Prairie Hill
Prairie Hill
General information
Wednesday, Feb 19, 2025- Hours 9:10am - 3:55pm
- Office 319-848-5330
- Address 151 Prairie Hill Ct SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
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Welcome to Prairie Hill Elementary from our Hilltopper family! Prairie Hill is one of five elementary schools on the College Community School District’s campus. We serve approximately 480 students in grades PreK-4th grade and are proud to offer several programs within our building to meet your child’s academic and social emotional needs. At Prairie Hill, we pride ourselves in living out our mantra of “Work Hard, Be Nice, Have Fun,” every day while providing students with rigorous core instruction. We are committed to providing your child with endless possibilities and will work to ensure that we are focused on improving ourselves 1% every day as both students and staff. We want your child to be successful and will do whatever we can to ensure that success. Prairie Hill is best described through our mission statement which states “Our Prairie Hill family commits to creating a safe and supportive learning environment, which encourages everyone to reach their personal best within a community of respect and kindness.” Our staff looks forward to working with you and your family. ~Mr. Schipper, Principal, Prairie Hill Elementary